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Knightswood Fellowship of Churches

Knightswood Fellowship of Churches is a group of churches in Knightswood, Glasgow, committed to serving our local community.

Our joint services are usually held on the First Sunday of Advent, during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Palm Sunday and Pentecost Sunday.

We exist to:

- Meet together, to deepen healthy and loving relationships between the Christian traditions which meet in Knightswood and the surrounding areas of Anniesland, Blawarthill and Yoker;

- ​Worship together regularly, to glorify God and to demonstrate our unity in Christ;

- ​Give to others, usually to the work of Christian Aid around the world;

​- Work together, in compassionate service, to bless others in our community, by communicating, co-operating and coordinating with each other.

We meet to worship, give and work together in love and unity.

There are a wide variety of churches who worship together, including Baptists, Methodists, Church of Scotland, Roman Catholics, Congregationalists and others. 

Local Activities

When the Knightswood Fellowship of Churches meets together, we give to the good work of Christian Aid around the world. You can learn more about their work on the Christian Aid website.

Our churches also work together in compassionate service to bless others.

Our friends in Blawarthill Parish Church run the Glasgow North West Foodbank. You can find out more about that foodbank on the Glasgow North West Foodbank website.


Contact us

It would be great to hear from you.


Or get in touch at 07743366956.

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